Site Updated: | Page Updated: Sat, Jan 06, 2007 |
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This picture provides a closer view of one of the body supports. It also shows one set of fuel tank brackets welded to the frame. (The other set, which I believe are OEM, were bolted to the frame.) The two round canisters attached to the far frame are the dual brake boosters, another feature usually only found on larger trucks. Finally, the drum in the middle, between the transmission and driveshaft, is the parking brake. (Most vehicles make the brakes in the rear wheels do double duty ... I like the added safety of a separate parking brake.)
June 10, 2005
The original wheels were split rims, which are a potentially dangerous pain in the rear. These are the new (used) solid rims. (The subject of tires and rims will be discussed at length elsewhere.)
The original shifter (which mounts in the dash) and the instrument panel are two of the things I intend to refurbish and reuse. There's at least one outfit that refits old gauges with new, up-to-date movements. (And, yes, I will get rid of the tacky woodgrain vinyl.)
This is how things stand as I write this, although with a more snow and a lot of frost. Most of the components, including the engine and transmission, are in my shop, where I've continued working on them. If you've compared the dates below the pictures, you're probably thinking, "That's an awfully short summer." Believe me, winter is equally short ... springtime is coming and I haven't finished all the things I wanted to do this winter.
September 29, 2005
That's all for now. I'll be adding more as things progress, whenever there's something that may be of interest, so check back regularly.